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Professional Negligence Lawyers

In handling professional negligence claims on behalf of professionals, as well as those who believe they have suffered a loss caused by professional negligence, we bring a high degree of knowledge, insight and capability to each case.

We bring a high degree of knowledge, insight and capability to each case of professional negligence.

In handling professional negligence claims on behalf of professionals, as well as those who believe they have suffered a loss caused by professional negligence, we bring a high degree of knowledge, insight and capability to each case. This enables us to identify and recommend a course of action designed to deliver to our client, the outcome they are seeking.

We first work towards a solution that avoids litigation to expedite a successful outcome that incurs the least cost and inconvenience to our client.

Where litigation is unavoidable or where it is the most suitable path to take, we will devise a litigation strategy designed to generate a result for our client that is as advantageous as possible.

We act for professionals in the fields of:

  • Building and construction ‚Äì builders, architects, designers, town planners
  • Professional Services ‚Äì liquidators, engineers, lawyers
  • Medical ‚Äì doctors, dentists, psychologists, physiotherapists, chiropractors
  • IT ‚Äì consultants
  • Financial services ‚Äì financial planners, accountants, actuaries, auditors
  • Veterinarians ‚Äì Long Saad Woodbridge is the law firm for the Australian Veterinary Association.



Executive Lawyer
Senior Associate
Special Counsel

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.