Long Saad Woodbridge
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Alec Comino

Alec is a dedicated solicitor working in the commercial and pharmacy law teams and Long Saad Woodbridge Lawyers. Alec offers specialised technical experience advising on complex mergers and acquisitions, with a particular focus in advising pharmacists on the additional regulatory and legal complexities specific to the pharmaceutical industry.  

Alec’s broad range of commercial experience, includes, but is not limited to:

  • End-to-end advice on the merger or acquisition of a variety of commercial businesses valued over $25 million, with a core focus on the acquisition and sale of pharmacy, allied health and childcare groups in each State and Territory across Australia;
  • Negotiating, advising and structuring business sale/acquisition agreements from both a buying and selling perspective to optimise the protection of his clients and to streamline the sale process;
  • Establishing, maintaining, and advising on corporate structures suitable to meet a business’ needs, including but not limited to the drafting of shareholder agreements, trust deeds, company constitutions, and partnership agreements;
  • Advising pharmacists on acquiring, relocating, and/or managing Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme approvals;
  • Advising pharmacists on compliance matters with the Health Practitioner National Law and other key health practitioner governing laws and practice rules;
  • Negotiating, drafting, and preparing essential commercial agreements such as commercial real estate and business sale contracts, share sale agreements, commercial and retail leases, deeds, and franchise agreements;
  • Commercial dispute resolution and commercial litigation experience, with a particular focus on competition and consumer law, debt recovery, bankruptcy, and insolvency matters in the Local, District, and Supreme Court of NSW; and
  • Alec was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of NSW after completing a Bachelor of Laws (Honors) with a Bachelor of Applied Finance at Macquarie University.

Alec was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of NSW after completing a Bachelor of Laws (Honors) with a Bachelor of Applied Finance at Macquarie University.

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