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All order forms are reviewed by an experienced lawyer on receipt. We will call you if we spot any issues requiring discussion or clarification.

Discretionary Trust

Features of our single family discretionary trust deeds are:

  1. copes with the post ‘Bamford’ necessities
  2. the trustee decides what is income
  3. they protect the trustee against liability under the prudent person rules that now form part of the Trustee Act
  4. the deed protects directors of corporate trustees against personal liability to the extent permitted under the Corporations Law
  5. our deed normally satisfies all bank requirements, although sometimes not without argument with the bank
  6. the deeds contain power to add and delete beneficiaries
  7. we have a linear class of eligible beneficiaries

For more information about this package, please get in touch.

​Discretionary Trust
If a corporate trustee is used
If company
See attached notes
See attached notes
This must be completed - i.e. normally the husband and wife for whom the trust is set up - a future spouse of a single 1st group beneficiary will be a 1st group beneficiary without the need to do anything further
NB all children of the 1st group beneficiaries (present and future) are automatically 2nd group beneficiaries unless you tell us otherwise
If not already covered by the eligible beneficiaries as set out in paragraph 15 on the attached notes
Do you want to register the trust deed at NSW Land Registry Services?
Unless you tell us otherwise, the standard trust deed structure as set out in the notes to this order form will be used

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.