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Business succession

Health check offer


Business Succession Health Check comprising:

  1. An assessment of your current succession strategy and documentation (if any); and
  2. In a 1 hour one-to-one consult with one of LSW’s Executive Lawyers or Special Counsel, provide you with tailored guidance to assist you in generating a plan to protect your business from unforeseen circumstances.

Cost: $850.00 excl. GST

Corporate Power of Attorney

  1. An assessment of your current succession strategy and documentation (if any); and
  2. In a 1 hour one-to-one consult with one of LSW’s Executive Lawyers or Special Counsel, provide you with tailored guidance to assist you in generating a plan to protect your business from unforeseen circumstances.

Cost: $1,250 – $1,950 excl. GST


Business Succession Health Check
Allow at least 3 business days notice. Leave blank if flexible
Noting all documents are kept secure and confidential, if you have a copy of the any of the following documents please upload:

  1. a copy of your existing will, power of attorney or enduring guardian
  2. a copy of any company constitution and/or shareholders agreement
  3. a copy of any trust deed and/ or unit holders agreement
  4. a copy of any partnership agreement
  5. a copy of any SMSF trust deed
  6. a copy of any superannuation death benefit nominations
  7. a copy of your life, TPD, critical illness and loss of income insurance policy schedules
  8. a copy of any buy sell agreements for any business interest

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