Long Saad Woodbridge
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Declan Williams

With over 13 years in family law, Declan is an experienced and committed family lawyer. He has worked extensively and exclusively in the area of family law throughout his career, having developed a passion for cases involving parenting matters and complex financial disputes.

Declan’s career long engagement in family law began well before completing his legal studies, Declan’s passion for family law began when he was a floor clerk for the premier Family Law Chambers, learning at the coal face assisting the country’s leading family law barristers.

Declan’s approach is pragmatic. He’s dedicated to developing strategies that meet clients’ needs to achieve the best outcome in the early stages of a legal dispute prior to court. Declan has a broad range of experience which includes international relocation cases, complex parenting matters involving significant risk, high net worth property cases and dealing with issues of disputed valuations. Declan prides himself on his ability to communicate with his clients and provide straightforward solutions in what are often difficult circumstances.

Declan also advises in relation to financial agreements and appears in Division one and two of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

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